If you wish to switch hosting providers and you don't have lots of experience or time, you may find it difficult to transfer your content. Moving an HTML Internet site involves uploading little files to the new web server, therefore it could be simpler, but transferring a script-driven Internet site, especially a custom-built one, and linking it to the database on the new Internet hosting platform or transferring databases and emails may be pretty annoying tasks for some people. Because of this, lots of users are tied to a provider that offers a bad hosting service simply because they don't know how they can relocate their content to a different provider securely while keeping the design and performance of their sites intact. In this light, our Internet hosting plans offer a website migration service, which is completely free of charge, and which shall save you a lot of time and efforts due to the fact that you won't have to do anything on your end.

Assisted Website Migration in Shared Hosting

After you purchase your new shared hosting account, you can get hold of our tech support crew and arrange the migration of your websites, which typically doesn't take more than two days. The number of websites which we can relocate for you depends upon the plan which you choose upon signup, but there's no package in which this service is not available, so we will be able to assist you even if you have just 1 small Internet site and you prefer that our experienced staff performs the migration. The only 2 demands are the current hosting server to be running on Linux and the platform that you have used to produce the site in the first place not to be a closed-source one like Jimdo or Wix as they don't give access to the files. We'll migrate any sort of Internet site irrespective of the hosting Control Panel that you currently employ and our offer is valid for both custom-made sites and ones designed with widely used script-driven apps such as Joomla or WordPress. When our technical support team relocates everything, they'll check out the sites in order to make certain that they're operating properly and will then let you know that you could change the name servers of your domain names and point them to our cloud platform.

Assisted Website Migration in Semi-dedicated Hosting

If you intend to start using our web hosting services and you get a semi-dedicated hosting account, you are able to contact our tech support team as soon as your account is working and plan the migration from your current web hosting company. The whole process normally takes a maximum of 24-48 hours and once our support team sets everything up on our end, they will test every single website to ensure that everything is operating efficiently. You could then point your domain names to our cloud hosting platform and due to the fact that the content will be exactly the same on both ends, there will be practically zero downtime, hence the site visitors shall not detect any service disruptions. You can take advantage of our absolutely free service and save time and efforts even if you would like to transfer a number of sites and the only restriction is that they shouldn't be created with a closed site builder such as Yola, Wix or Jimdo since these platforms don't allow their users to access the files of the websites designed on their end.

Assisted Website Migration in VPS Web Hosting

If you choose one of our Linux VPS web hosting packages, we can begin moving your sites the instant your account is prepared and you contact us. The process typically takes up to 48 hrs depending on the number and the size of the websites that you would like to migrate to the virtual private server and this time includes not only transferring the content, but also testing it after in order to ensure that your data is unchanged and that your websites shall work adequately on our end. Our tech support team can move any popular script application or custom Internet site so long as it can run on a Linux server and if you're not using a service like Weebly, Jimdo or Mr. Site as they do not grant access to the files of the sites constructed on their platforms. Apart from that, our service is available for any hosting CP that you pick on our end or use with the other hosting provider. We can save you the time and the efforts at no extra expense on top of the monthly virtual private server price and the work of your sites will practically not be disrupted because during the propagation of the new name servers that you set for the domain names you wish to host on the server, you shall have the same content on both ends.

Assisted Website Migration in Dedicated Servers Hosting

If you've decided to change hosting providers because you require a more potent Internet hosting solution and you sign up for a dedicated server from our company, we can relocate multiple sites at no additional cost and in only 48 hrs due to the fact that we have a crew of really experienced admins. Not only will they migrate the content for you, but they'll furthermore adjust all the necessary settings in the configuration files of your sites and will test out if everything is operating adequately before they inform you that the migration process has been carried out. This service is available regardless of the hosting CP which you use with the current host and the one which you order on our end. It also doesn't matter if you're using a custom website or a script like WordPress or Joomla as our admins can migrate any type of website that can run using Linux environment. The only sites they are unable to migrate are ones designed on platforms like Wix, Jimdo or Weebly since they use closed-source website builders and don't grant access to the actual files. The instant everything is all set, you could change the name servers of the domain names which you wish to be hosted inside the dedicated server and considering that the content shall be identical with the one you have on the servers of the current host, you will not see any disturbances.